Ending plastic pollution is among the priorities of the UN Environment Assembly News, Home, BlogStéphane Boulissière3 March 2022plastics waste, uno, plastic packaging
Research Finds Plastic Flows Into the Ocean Expected to Triple by 2040—but Immediate Action Could Stem Tide by More Than 80% Blog, Home, Resources, NewsStéphane Boulissière18 August 2020plastics waste, plastic wastes, plastic to the oceans, Plastic pollution in the ocea, plastic packaging, bioplastic Comment
The countries polluting the oceans the most with plastic waste Home, Media, News, Resources, BlogStéphane Boulissière17 March 2019Plastic pollution in the ocea, plastics waste, wwf
EU lawmakers say "stop" to throw-away plastics News, Home, BlogStéphane Boulissière24 October 2018plastics waste, throw-away, EU, europe